Before you place an order,
Please call or text us about the availability of the merchandise you are about to order.
Call: 309-674-2700
Text: 309-989-0515
If you don't contact us first and we have to refund you due to products being out of stock, there will be a 3% card processing fee subtracted from the full refund.
Our website is set up for local customers, but if you want us to ship to you, a shipping and handling fee of $ 9.99 will be added.
USPS Ground Advantage™ will be used.
We can not send any products where credit card address and shipping address doesn't match.
Business hours:
Mon-Sat 9:00am~7:00pm
Thank you for shopping with us!
FREE SHIPPING on orders over $98.99 CODE:3207
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Before you place an order,
Please call or text us about availability of the merchandise you are about to order.
Call: 309-674-2700
Text: 309-989-0515
Thank you for shopping with us!